Tag: animal care

  • Animal Rights Activists Aren’t Stupid

    There are A LOT of people out there who make comments like “those guys are such idiots” and “they’re so stupid – why do they act that way?” in regards to  animal rights activists. This is infuriating on two levels. 1) Animal rights activists are NOT dumb, contrary to popular belief. The board of directors…

  • What’s in That Chicken McNugget?

    What’s in That Chicken McNugget?

     photo from here I’ve been asked this question before on the blog – most recently in a comment from this post. And I’ve always forgotten to answer it; sorry, I’m not perfect and sometimes I forget. But McDonald’s of Canada has stepped up to the plate and become completely transparent in regards to what is…

  • I spent my birthday money on…

    I spent my birthday money on…

    Yes, I still get birthday money. Don’t ask me why but I think only a crazy person would turn down checks that arrive in the mail. As long as they keep showing up, I’ll keep using them. Anyhow, maybe I bought a new pair of these….I’ve only been wanting them since last May Or perhaps…