Tag: education

  • Leaky Mouth Syndrome – Educate Yourself First

    Leaky Mouth Syndrome – Educate Yourself First

    (graphic courtesy of http://www.wesoldbooks.com) Props to Natalie Morales of The Today Show who told Suzanne Somers that she didn’t have ‘doctors as experts’ to back up Somers’ claim of antibiotics in meat causing ‘leaky gut syndrome, lupus and MS’. Morales also pointed out that there is very little scientific proof backing up Somers’ claims. Morales…

  • In Honor of Pigs and Pork

    In Honor of Pigs and Pork

    Photo courtesy of Magnum Photo Agency I keep reminding readers that October is National Pork Month and for good reason. I love pork – it’s delicious, nutritious and is so versatile!  The Pork Checkoff provides a wealth of great pork information on their website.  Check it out — especially the kids section  πŸ™‚  Check out…

  • Possibility of Impending Doom (PID)

    Possibility of Impending Doom (PID)

    I’m all for sensational journalism (see title), in regards to getting readers’ attention.  That’s the whole point right?  Reel them in with an outrageous title and maybe a picture.  I think it’s even more interesting when that particular comment or picture doesn’t accurately describe what the piece is about.  For example – look at this picture on…

  • Falsehoods Can Cause Loss of Credibility

    Falsehoods Can Cause Loss of Credibility

    Remember those “Real Milk/Cheese comes from Happy Cows” commercials from California?  They were memorable, funny and made consumers pay attention.  Here is a funny one about ‘French’ bulls: At the time, I thought they were a great idea.  Have you wondered why you haven’t seen them around lately?  Maybe it’s because they made consumers think…

  • Temple takes the Emmy’s by storm!

    Temple Grandin, the movie, won 7 EMMY AWARDS! Last night, the woman who many people don’t even know about made a huge impact at the Emmy’s.  However, when I googled “Temple Grandin + Emmy’s” this morning the first 3 hits were “Temple Grandin wins big, who is she?”  She is an advocate for autism, diagnosed at the age of 2, and has written…