Tag: environment

  • PETA’s Extreme Agenda

    The most recent addition to PETA’s crazy list is a Sin Tax on meat. That’s right, a sin tax. If you don’t believe me, read it for yourself. PETA puts meat in the same category as alcohol, cigarettes and gasoline – because they allege that meat imposes “health and environment costs from using animals for food.” Bologna,…

  • Heineman Speaks Out

    I’m becoming a pretty big fan of Nebraska – not their football program but of their Governor, Dave Heineman, and his devotion to the preservation of the Cornhusker state’s agriculture industry. At the Governor’s Ag Conference on Wednesday, Heineman discussed the need for ‘common sense legislation from the Environmental Protection Agency” and again expressed his motivation…

  • Earth Day in SEK

    Earth Day in SEK

    Hello blogging fans! I hope you all celebrated Earth Day by taking out the recycling and sharing how farmers practice environmentally friendly production methods every day. Recently, I attended the Master’s of Beef Advocacy Commencement that took place on the KSU campus. Daren Williams, Exec. Director of Communications for NCBA, encouraged all participants to submit…